大前提 / 比較一覧表 / ダウンロードファイルに含まれているREADME.txt内容の比較

オンラインサービス に関するメモランダム

カテゴリー: Twitter  閲覧数:477 配信日:2019-09-01 07:29


2019年7月Twitter UI変更

・試しに「<script src="tweet.js"></script>」を読み込んでみても、意図した通り表示されない


- 旧UI(2019年6月以前) 現UI(2019年7月以前)
ダウンロードできる内容 全ツイート履歴 Twitterデータ
index.html あり なし
tweets.csv あり なし
画像(.jpgなど)や映像(.mp4)ファイルそのもの なし あり


# ツイート履歴の使い方




* CSV形式は多くのデータツールや表計算ソフトで読み込むことができ、プログラミング言語でも簡単に処理できる汎用的なデータフォーマットです。

## 開発者向けJSON

* JSON形式で出力したデータには、Twitter API v1.1が返すデータと同じ形式で、すべてのツイートが含まれています。詳細は https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1 をご覧ください。
* JSON形式で出力したデータは、ツイート履歴のブラウザーインタフェースとしても利用できます(index.html)。
* 出力したデータをプログラミング言語のJSONパーサーで処理するには、各ファイルの先頭と末尾の行を取り除いてください。

他のTwitter開発者にフィードバックや質問をしたり、アイデアを共有したりするには、開発者用フォーラム https://dev.twitter.com に参加してください。

This archive was generated at the request of the following user:
- @username at the time the archive was generated: xxxx
- Account ID: xxxx

This archive consists of machine-readable JSON files containing information associated with your account. We’ve included the information we believe is most relevant and useful to you, including your profile information, your Tweets, your DMs, your Moments, your media (images, videos and GIFs you’ve attached to Tweets, DMs, or Moments), a list of your followers, a list of accounts following you, your address book, Lists that you’ve created, are a member of, or are subscribed to, interest and demographic information that we have inferred about you, information about ads that you’ve seen or engaged with on Twitter, and more.

The information contained in this archive reflects the state of the account at the time when the archive was created. In addition, if we do not have any data associated with your account for a particular category (e.g., if you have never created a List), then this archive will not include a file for that category.

This archive contains:

/account.js: Basic account information.
/ni-devices.js: Mobile devices (e.g., mobile phone) associated with the account.
/profile.js: Profile bio, location, and website associated with the account.
/device-token.js: List of known device token(s).
/lists-created.js: Lists created by this account.
/ad-mobile-conversions-attributed.js: Mobile application events associated with an account in the last 90 days which are attributable to a Promoted Tweet engagement on Twitter.
/following.js: Other accounts followed by this account.
/periscope-comments-made-by-user.js: Comments left by account holder on other users’ live broadcasts.
/ad-mobile-conversions-unattributed.js: Mobile application events associated with an account in the last 10 days which may become attributable to a Promoted Tweet engagement on Twitter.
/ageinfo.js: Date of birth provided to Twitter and corresponding current age.
/lists-member.js: Public lists created by other accounts that include this account.
/periscope-profile-description.js: Periscope account description ported over from the Twitter account when the shell account was created.
/moment.js: Twitter Moments (a collection of Tweets that can be shared across the Twitter platform) created by the account.
/account_timezone.js: Account timezone information.
/periscope-followers.js: Other accounts that follow this account.
/periscope-expired-broadcasts.js: Live broadcasts on Twitter that have expired and cannot be encoded.
/ad-impressions.js: Promoted Tweets viewed by the account and associated metadata.
/email-address-change.js: History of email addresses associated with the account.
/phone_number.js: Phone number provided by the user and which is associated with the account.
/contact.js: Contacts imported into this account.
/moments_tweets_media: Folder containing images, videos, and/or gifs associated with the Tweets in the Moment.
/periscope-account-information.js: Basic information for the Periscope "shell account", which is automatically created when a user broadcasts live from Twitter.
/verified.js: Account’s verification status.
/profile_media: Folder containing profile avatar and header image, if provided.
/block.js: Other accounts blocked by this account.
/periscope_broadcast_media: Encoded live broadcast video files created by this account.
/account-creation-ip.js: IP address used when the account was created.
/tweet.js: Tweets posted to the account.
/direct-message-group-headers.js: Contains only metadata associated with GDMs.
/direct_message_media: Folder of images, videos, and/or gifs included in the account’s DMs
/direct-message-headers.js: Contains only metadata associated with DMs.
/direct-message.js: Contains the text and associated metadata for Direct Messages (DMs) sent or received by the account.
/direct_message_group_media: Folder of images, videos, and/or gifs included in the account’s GDMs
/direct-message-group.js: Contains the text and associated metadata for Group Direct Messages (GDMs) sent or received by the account.
/personalization.js: Contains information Twitter may have inferred about this account.
/screen-name-change.js: Records of changes to this account’s @username.
/protected-history.js: History of a user protecting (that is, restricting only to their followers) and unprotecting their Tweets within the 6 months prior to the date this file was created. At the time of account creation, Tweets are unprotected by default.
/account-suspension.js: Account’s suspension history. At the time of account creation, accounts are unsuspended by default.
/ip-audit.js: IP addresses per session (not per Tweet).
/like.js: Tweets marked as ‘Favorites’ or ‘Likes’ by this account.
/ad-online-conversions-unattributed.js: All online (website) activities associated with an account in the last 10 days via advertiser website integrations which may become attributable to a Promoted Tweet engagement on Twitter.
/ad-online-conversions-attributed.js: All online (website) activities associated with an account in the last 90 days via advertiser website integrations which are attributable to a Promoted Tweet engagement on Twitter.
/saved-search.js: Searches saved by this account.
/tweet_media: Folder of images, videos, and/or gifs included in the account’s Tweets.
/periscope-broadcast-metadata.js: Metadata associated with the account’s live broadcasts.
/follower.js: Other accounts that follow this account.
/connected-application.js: List of applications authorized by user to connect to this account.
/mute.js: Other accounts muted by this account.
/lists-subscribed.js: Lists subscribed to by this account.
/moments_media: Folder containing image or video included in the moment.
/ad-engagements.js: Promoted Tweets engaged with by the account and any associated metadata.

This section documents the data in each file in more detail.

Basic account information.
* accountId: Unique identifier for the account.
* createdAt: Date and time of account creation.
* createdVia: Client application used to create account.
* username: Account’s current @username (NOTE: @username may change, but account_id remains the same).
* accountDisplayName: Account’s name as displayed on its profile.

Mobile devices (e.g., mobile phone) associated with the account.
* deviceType: Manufacturer for devices that are marked as “pushDevice”. For devices marked as “messagingDevice”, the field will indicate “Auth” if the device is only used for two-factor authentication purposes, and “Full” if the device is set to receive notifications from Twitter.
* carrier: Optional field indicating the carrier associated with the device.
* phone_number: Phone number associated with the device.
* deviceVersion: Operating system version associated with the device.
* createdDate: Field indicating when the association between the device and the Twitter account was made.
* updatedDate: Field indicating the last time this association was updated.

Profile bio, location, and website associated with the account.
* bio: Account bio as displayed on account’s public profile.
* website: Account website as displayed on account’s public profile.
* location: Account location as displayed on account’s public profile.
* avatarMediaUrl: Link to profile avatar image.
* headerMediaUrl: Link to profile header image.

List of known device token(s).
* token: Token associated with a mobile device or web browser that was used to sign up or log in to this account through twitter.com or one of the other Twitter owned or operated apps within the last 18 months.
* lastSeenAt: Date and time of most recent use. Please note that there may be instances where older tokens do show this information.
* clientApplicationId: Unique identifier of the application associated with the token. Please note that there may be instances where older tokens do not have a unique identifier associated with them.
* clientApplicationName: Name of the application associated with the token. Please note that there may be instances where older tokens do not have an application name associated with them.
* createdAt: Data and time of the creation of the token.

Lists created by this account.

Mobile application events associated with an account in the last 90 days which are attributable to a Promoted Tweet engagement on Twitter.
* conversionTime: The UTC time of the event.
* applicationName: The name of the application in which the activity occurred.
* mobilePlatform: The mobile platform of the application (e.g, Android, iOS)
* conversionEvent: The raw event type from the application (e.g., install, signup).
* attributedConversionType: The type of activity specifically associated with the conversion.
* conversionValue: The value of the conversion.
* additionalParameters: Other optional parameters associated with the event.

Other accounts followed by this account.

Comments left by account holder on other users’ live broadcasts.
* broadcastId: Unique id for the broadcast.
* byAccountId: Account Id of the commenter.
* createdAt: Time comment was made.
* text: The comment text.

Mobile application events associated with an account in the last 10 days which may become attributable to a Promoted Tweet engagement on Twitter.
* conversionTime: The UTC time of the event.
* applicationName: The name of the application in which the activity occurred.
* mobilePlatform: The mobile platform of the application (e.g., Android, iOS)
* conversionEvent: The raw event type from the application (e.g., install, signup).
* conversionValue: The value of the conversion.
* additionalParameters: Other optional parameters associated with the event.

Date of birth provided to Twitter and corresponding current age.
* birthDate: Date of birth provided by the user.
* age: Current age.

Public lists created by other accounts that include this account.

Periscope account description ported over from the Twitter account when the shell account was created.

Twitter Moments (a collection of Tweets that can be shared across the Twitter platform) created by the account. For more information, please refer to https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/twitter-moments.
* momentId: Unique identifier of the Moment.
* createdAt: Date and time a Moment is created, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
* createdBy: User ID (unique identifier) of the account holder who generated the Moment.
* title: Title attributed to the Moment by the account holder.
* tweets: Tweets selected by the account holder to include in the Moment. Please note that these Tweets may or may not have been posted by the account holder who created the Moment.  This record contains the API output of the Tweets added to the Moment and they are ordered according to how they appear in the Moment. Definitions for each of the variables that may be included in any particular Tweet are available in our API documentation: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/post-and-engage/api-reference/post-statuses-update.
* description: Description text on the cover page of the Moment added by the account holder who generated the Moment.

Account timezone information.
* accountId: Unique identifier for the account.
* timeZone: Time zone specified by account holder, if provided.

Other accounts that follow this shell account.

Live broadcasts on Twitter that have expired and cannot be encoded.
* broadcastIds: A list of the broadcast id’s that have expired.
* reason: Explanation of why broadcast replay files are unavailable (hard-coded).

Promoted Tweets viewed by the account and associated metadata.
* impressionTime: Time when ad was viewed.
* deviceInfo: Device where ad was viewed (e.g. Desktop, Mobile).
* displayLocation: Location on Twitter where the ad was viewed (e.g. Timeline).
* advertiserInfo: Information about the advertiser.
* promotedTweet: Unique identifier of the Promoted Tweet used in the ad. Matching & targeting criteria used to deliver the ad to this account.

History of email addresses associated with the account.
* accountId: Unique identifier for the account that performed the action.
* changedAt: Date and time of action.
* changedFrom: Previous email address.
* changedTo: New email address.

Phone number provided by the user and which is associated with the account.

Contacts imported into this account.
* emails: Emails of the contacts imported to the account.
* phoneNumbers: Phone numbers of the contacts imported to the account.

Folder containing images, videos, and/or gifs uploaded through Twitter’s photo hosting service (if any) for Tweets that have been included in this Moment, including the Moment cover media. This file does not contain images hosted on platforms other than Twitter (e.g., Flickr). Please also note that these images may or may not have been posted by the account holder who created the Moment.

Information about the Periscope "shell account" automatically created for users who broadcast live on Twitter.
* id: Unique id for the account.
* displayName: Account’s name as displayed on its Twitter profile.
* username: Current @username of the Twitter account.  (NOTE: @username may change, but account_id remains the same).
* isBanned: Indicates whether the account is suspended or not.
* createdAt: Time account was created.
* isTwitterUser: Flag to indicate if the account is also a Twitter user; should always be true.
* twitterId: Unique id of the associated Twitter account.
* twitterScreenName: Current @username of the associated Twitter account (NOTE: @username may change, but twitterId remains the same).
* isTwitterVerified: (optional) Indicates if the associated Twitter account is a verified Twitter user account.

Account’s verification status.
* accountId: Unique identifier for the account that performed the action.
* verified: Verification status of the account.

Folder containing profile image, header image, and background image, if provided.

Other accounts blocked by this account.

Folder containing the encoded live broadcast video files created by this account.

IP address used when the account was created.

Tweets posted to account. This record contains the API output of Tweets for this account. Definitions for each of the variables that may be included in any particular Tweet are available in our API documentation: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/post-and-engage/api-reference/post-statuses-update.

Contains only metadata associated with Group Direct Messages (GDMs) sent or received by the account.

Folder of images, videos, and/or gifs included in the account’s DMs.
NOTE: Does not contain content hosted on platforms other than Twitter (e.g. YouTube, Flickr)

Contains only metadata associated with Direct Messages (DMs) sent or received by the account.

Contains the text and associated metadata for Direct Messages (DMs) sent or received by the account.
* conversationId: DMs are grouped by conversations. The conversation IDs are created by joining two user IDs of the two participants in the conversation. For example, if one participant’s user ID is 1234 and the other participant’s user ID is 7890, the conversation ID will be 1234-7890. The conversation IDs are ordered from the lowest to highest value of the first user ID. Within a conversation, the DMs are ordered in reverse chronological order, meaning that the latest DM will be at the top of the list. DMs contain information (e.g., user ID and text of message) for both the sender and receiver.
* messages: List of each message sent or received by the account. Variables that may be included in any particular Direct Message are defined in our API documentation: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/direct-messages/sending-and-receiving/guides/message-create-object

NOTE: This data may be split into multiple parts/files depending on the volume of messages. Due to user deletions, the file may not contain comprehensive logs of join events, participants lists, name change events, and message create events.

Folder of images, videos, and/or gifs included in the account’s GDMs.
NOTE: Does not contain content hosted on platforms other than Twitter (e.g. YouTube, Flickr)

Contains the text and associated metadata for Group Direct Messages (GDMs) sent or received by the account.
* conversationId: DMs are grouped by conversations. Each conversation has a unique randomly generated conversation ID. Within a conversation, the DMs are ordered in reverse chronological order, meaning that the latest DM will be at the top of the list. DMs contain information (e.g., user ID and text of message) for both the sender and receiver.
* messages: List of each message sent or received by the account. Variables that may be included in any particular Direct Message are defined in our API documentation: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/direct-messages/sending-and-receiving/guides/message-create-object

Group Direct Messages (GDMs) contain information (e.g., user ID and text of message) for both the sender and the other participants of the group. Group Direct Messages are grouped by conversations. The conversations will be ordered in chronological order, based on when the conversation was created. This means that the conversation that is created first is listed at the top of the file. Within a conversation, the logged events are ordered in reverse chronological order, meaning that the latest event will be at the top of the list.

Additional logged events in the GDM file include:
- Join Conversation event: occurs when a user adds other participants to the conversation.
- Conversation name change events (change the name of the conversation).
- Message create event: this is the actual DM and is shown when a DM message is created by a user.
- Leave event: when a user leaves the group DM conversation.

NOTE: This data may be split into multiple parts/files depending on the volume of messages. Due to user deletions, the file may not contain comprehensive logs of join events, participants lists, name change events, and message create events.

Contains information Twitter may have inferred about this account.
* languages: Languages associated with the account. Please note that this information may be inferred.
* genderInfo: Gender associated with the account. Please note that this information may be inferred.
* interests: Interests associated with the account. Please note that this information may be inferred.
* partnerInterests: Interests from partners that are associated with the account.
* numAudiences: Number of tailored audiences (audiences generated by advertisers) the account is a part of.
* advertisers: List of screennames for the advertisers that own the tailored audiences the account is a part of.
* inferredAgeInfo: Date of birth Twitter has inferred about the account and corresponding current age.
* locationHistory: Location history associated with the account based on activity from the last 60 days.

Records of changes to this account’s @username.
* accountId: Unique identifier for the account that performed the action.
* changedAt: Date and time of action.
* changedFrom: Previous screen name.
* changedTo: New screen name.

History of a user protecting (that is, restricting only to their followers) and unprotecting their Tweets within the 6 months prior to the date this file was created. At the time of account creation, Tweets are unprotected by default.

Account’s suspension history. At the time of account creation, accounts are unsuspended by default.

IP addresses per session (not per Tweet).
* accountId: Unique identifier for the account.
* createdAt: Time of login.
* loginIp: IP address used for login.

Tweets marked as ‘Favorites’ or ‘Likes’ by this account.
* tweetId: Unique identifiers for the Tweets liked.
* expandedUrl: Tweets URL.
* fullText: (optional) Tweets full text.

All online (website) activities associated with an account in the last 10 days via advertiser website integrations which may become attributable to a Promoted Tweet engagement on Twitter.
* conversionTime: The UTC time of the event.
* advertiserInfo: The name and Twitter handle of the advertiser.
* conversionPlatform: Mobile or Desktop.
* conversionUrl: The URL of the website on which the event occurred.
* eventType: The raw event type recorded from the website (e.g. pageview, signup).
* conversionValue: The value of the conversion.
* additionalParameters: Other optional parameters associated with the event, such as content category, SKU, etc.

All online (website) activities associated with an account in the last 90 days via advertiser website integrations which are attributable to a Promoted Tweet engagement on Twitter.
* conversionTime: The UTC time of the event.
* advertiserInfo: The name and Twitter handle of the advertiser.
* conversionPlatform: Mobile or Desktop.
* conversionUrl: The URL of the website on which the event occurred.
* eventType: The raw event type recorded from the website (e.g. pageview, signup).
* attributedConversionType: The type of activity specifically associated with the conversion.
* conversionValue: The value of the conversion.
* additionalParameters: Other optional parameters associated with the event, such as content category, SKU, etc.

Searches saved by this account.
* savedSearchId: Unique identifier for the search.
* query: Actual search query.

Folder of images, videos, and/or gifs included in the account’s Tweets.
NOTE: Does not contain content hosted on platforms other than Twitter (e.g. YouTube, Flickr)

Metadata associated with the account’s live broadcasts.
* id: Unique id for the broadcast.
* hasLocation: Flag to indicate if the broadcast has associated location.
* latitude: Specific latitude for the broadcast’s location.
* longitude: Specific longitude for the broadcast’s location.
* city: (optional) City where the broadcast took place.
* country: (optional) Country where the broadcast took place.
* createdAt: Time broadcast was created.
* updatedAt: Time broadcast was updated or modified.

Other accounts that follow this account.

List of applications authorized by user to connect to this account.
* id: Unique identifier for the application.
* name: Name of the application.
* description: Brief description of the application as provided by the organization.
* organization: Name of the developer of the application as well as relevant URLs such as their Privacy Policy or Terms Of Service.
* permissions: List of permissions granted to the connected application by the Twitter account. For example: read or write.
* approved_at: Date and time when the account authorized the application.

Other accounts muted by this account.

Lists subscribed to by this account.

Folder containing images, videos, and/or gifs uploaded through Twitter’s photo hosting service (if any) for Tweets that have been included in this Moment, including the Moment cover media. This file does not contain images hosted by third parties (e.g., FlickR, TwitPic, etc.). Please also note that these images may or may not have been posted by the account holder who created the Moment.

Promoted Tweets engaged with by the account and any associated metadata.
* impressionData: Data on which ads were viewed by the account; includes the same data as noted in impressions.js.
* engagementTime: Time when account engaged with the ad.
* engagementType: Type of engagement (e.g., Chargeable impression, Video playback)

週間人気ページランキング / 4-16 → 4-22
順位 ページタイトル抜粋 アクセス数
1 ソフトバンクの携帯電話番号は「My SoftBank」から無料で変更できます。※My SoftBankから電話番号の変更手続きをする場合には、料金(事務手数料)の発生はありません | ソフトバンク(通信) 22
2 ビックカメラへの苦情連絡先 | ビックカメラ(EC) 11
3 3 種類ある「楽天カード」利用明細確認方法の内、「楽天e-NAVI」の「Web明細サービス」だけは、過去 15 カ月以前の情報が表示されないため注意が必要です。 | カード 10
4 Twitter動画を無料でダウンロードする方法 | Twitter 8
5 オンラインサービス 0 7
6 「Twitterデータ」をダウンロード出来ない。途中で失敗する。ネットワークエラーが発生する | Twitter 5
6 LINEヤフー共通利用規約に反する行為を確認したため、この携帯電話番号は利用できません / 感想 5
7 Amazonの「カスタマー Q&A」より製品に関する質問を行っても、回答がつくまで、投稿者自身も確認することは出来ない | Amazon 4
7 故障した小型冷蔵庫(46L)をどうするの? | 冷蔵庫(購入履歴) 4
7 Windows10で、Twitterタイムラインを一番下(最後)まで自動でスクロールする無料ソフトウェア「Twitterオートスクローラー」 | Twitter 4
8 ログイン 3
9 ID登録したメールアドレス「m3861064336@gomen-da.com」でログインしようとするとどうなるの? /「メールアドレスでID登録」した場合のログイン挙動を要約すると? 2
9 「NTT東日本機器(レンタル)」返却先は「東日本電信電話株式会社」です。「機器が未返却」である旨の連絡は「東日本電信電話株式会社」から来ますが、この件に対してuserが問い合わせることができる相手は契約先により異なります。 | インターネットサービスプロバイダ 2
9 2019/11/28より「AGPtEK M20」を再度使用することにしたため、基本的な操作方法を再確認 | AGPtEK M20(MP3プレーヤー) 2
9 Twitter メディアダウンローダ(Chrome 拡張機能) カテゴリー 2
9 Pawoo | social networking service 2
9 「Google Chrome」ブラウザで「Yahoo!メール」を開くと「読み込み中」が耐え切れないほど長いです。検索してみましたが、解決する方法が分かりません。 | Yahoo!メール(メール) 2
9 感想 2
10 お使いのアカウントに不自然なアクティビティを検出しました。安全のため、パスワードが変更されるまでアカウントはロックしました。 | Twitter 1
10 ラジオ(radikoのタイムフリー)を「Windows10」で録音するために、「らじれこ」を使用した | らじれこ(ラジオ) 1
2024/4/23 1:01 更新
指定期間人気ページランキング / 2020-5-27 → 2024-4-22
順位 ページタイトル抜粋 アクセス数
1 ビックカメラへの苦情連絡先 | ビックカメラ(EC) 7470
2 Twitter全ツイート履歴は、2019年7月以降、ツールを使用しなければ取得不可能(index.htmlはダウンロードファイルに含まれないよう仕様変更されている) | Twitter(social networking service) 3892
3 Twitter動画ダウンロード | Twitter(social networking service) 3695
4 Yahoo!メールで[SendMessageFailed]が表示される場合は、しばらく待ってから再度試す | Yahoo!メール(メール) 3418
5 「Twitterデータ」をダウンロード出来ない。途中で失敗する。ネットワークエラーが発生する | Twitter(social networking service) 2864
6 Twitterモーメント作成しようと思い、自分の過去のツイートを遡る。途中までしか遡れない。面倒くさくなって止める | Twitter(social networking service) 2082
7 Twitter 画像サイズの問題 | Twitter(social networking service) 1421
8 お使いのアカウントに不自然なアクティビティを検出しました。安全のため、パスワードが変更されるまでアカウントはロックしました。 | Twitter(social networking service) 1175
9 オンラインサービス 0 1168
10 Amazon Music「まだ再生中ですか?」問題 | Amazon Music(Amazon) 1011
11 Windows10で、Twitterタイムラインを一番下(最後)まで自動でスクロールする無料ソフトウェア「Twitterオートスクローラー」 | Twitter(social networking service) 912
12 Amazonの「カスタマー Q&A」より製品に関する質問を行っても、回答がつくまで、投稿者自身も確認することは出来ない | Amazon(EC) 805
13 「Google Chrome」ブラウザで「Yahoo!メール」を開くと「読み込み中」が耐え切れないほど長いです。検索してみましたが、解決する方法が分かりません。 | Yahoo!メール(メール) 693
14 インターネットへ突然接続できなくなった理由は、NTTぷららのマイページのパスワードを変更したから | NTTぷらら(インターネットサービスプロバイダ) 652
15 故障した小型冷蔵庫(46L)をどうするの? | 冷蔵庫(購入履歴) 586
16 衆議院インターネット審議中継 ダウンロード | 動画 584
17 ラジオ(radikoのタイムフリー)を「Windows10」で録音するために、「らじれこ」を使用した | ラジオ 565
18 3 種類ある「楽天カード」利用明細確認方法の内、「楽天e-NAVI」の「Web明細サービス」だけは、過去 15 カ月以前の情報が表示されないため注意が必要です。 | カード 556
19 30days Album | 写真共有サービス 500
20 このたび、ご利用のアカウントが凍結されましたのでお知らせしております | Twitter(social networking service) 495
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